
Monitoring Your Channel

Accessing Channel State

Information about channel state can be accessed with getChannel(). This includes current node and client balances, availability of channel, and more.

Usage Example

Information about channel state retrieved with getChannel() can be used (for example) to stop execution if certain conditions are not met:

    var channelAvailable = (await channel.getChannel()).available
    if (!channelAvailable) {
      console.warn(`Channel not available yet.`);

Event Monitoring

The Connext client is an event emitter. You can trigger actions such as transfer confirmations in your application by listening for events using connext.on(). connext.on() accepts a string representing the event you’d like to listen for, as well as a callback. The callback has a single parameter data which contains contextual data from the event. Available events are:

Channel Events:


App Instance Events:


Protocol Events:


Transfer Events:


Events exist in the types package as well, example:

import { ConnextEvents, DEPOSIT_STARTED_EVENT } from "@connext/types";

connext.on(DEPOSIT_STARTED_EVENT, (data) => {
  console.log("Your deposit has begun")
  const { txHash, value } = data;

Controlling Deposit Flow

In some cases, an application will want to control exactly how funds are transferred to the multisig in order to add balance to a channel. The Connext client provides two methods for this, requestDepositRights and rescindDepositRights. When a client controls deposit rights in their channel, they can deposit into the multisig from any source.

An example use case is requesting deposit rights, then sending funds to a user to onboard them without requiring them to purchase ETH for gas.

Creating a Custom Backup Service

Backup services store channel states on behalf of the client in case their store compromised or otherwise unavailable (i.e. for clearing localStorage in a browser, using incognito mode, or seamless multidevice channel usage). If a backup service is not available, the client will still function properly in these scenarios, but will rely on a trusted restore from the node’s version of the channel state.

Pisa hosts a backup service you can use as well, but is only currently active on rinkeby. If you would like to have backups on mainnet, you will have to create a custom implementation.


All custom backup services must implement the following interface:

export type StorePair = {
  path: string;
  value: any;

export interface IBackupServiceAPI {
  restore(): Promise<StorePair[]>;
  backup(pair: StorePair): Promise<void>;

The restore method will return an array of existing StorePair objects that should be used to populate the clients store using the set function. This function is called on connect if a problem with the store is detected on startup. Client users can also manually restore the state from back-up by calling await client.restoreState().

The backup method is called when set is called from the connextStore, here. If you are using a custom store module instead of the @connext/store package, you will want to make sure your set function includes similar logic for backing up pairs. By default, only updates to the main channel/ key will be automatically backed up.

Example Usage

To use a backup service with the client, simply instantiate the client with the backupService key populated:

  * Imagine that there is an REST API available at some URL that has two endpoints, a
  * GET endpoint `restore` and a POST endpoint for `backup`.
  * NOTE: This code has not been tested, and is designed to be purely illustrative.

import { connect } from "@connext/client";
import { ClientOptions, IBackupServiceAPI, StorePair } from "@connext/types";
import * as axios from "axios";

class BackupService implements IBackupServiceAPI {
  private client: any;
    private readonly baseUrl: string,
  ) {
    this.client = axios.create({
      responseType: 'json',
      headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json'

  restore = async (): Promise<StorePair[]> => {
    const res = await this.client.get("/restore");

  backup = async (pair: StorePair): Promise<void> => {
    await"/backup", { pair });

const connectOptions: ClientOptions = {
  backupService: new BackupService(""),
  ethProviderUrl: "",
  nodeUrl: "",
    "candy maple cake sugar pudding cream honey rich smooth crumble sweet treat"

const client = await connect(connectOptions);